Sunday, November 20, 2011

Celeb News » Amelia Lily Fears 'X Factor Uk' May Affect Her Health

Amelia Lily Fears 'X Factor Uk' May Affect Her Health
Amelia Lily Fears 'X Factor Uk' May Affect Her Health

Amelia Lily has found herself thrust back into the 'X Factor UK' reckoning after replacing Frankie Cocozza - who was ejected from the show following what was believed to be a cocaine binge - but the 17 year-old has admitted that she has her own issues as she takes part in the mentally gruelling competition which has seen judges and competitors alike show frayed nerves in the latest series.

Talking about the stress of finding herself back in the limelight having joined the other finalists at a late stage, Lily revealed to the UK's Daily Mirror that she suffered from diabetes and was worried about how the contest might affect the potentially lethal illness. "I've had the ¬condition for about 14 years. I have to be careful with my blood-sugar levels and the adrenaline of a live show uses up a lot of energy," Lily explained, "There's a risk something could happen on stage, but I can usually tell if something's wrong and if I start shaking I'll have chocolate. It's all about knowing your symptoms and being on the ball."

The wannabe star was under no illusions about the gravity of the condition, stating "It is serious. If I have continuous high bloods for years, then you can go blind. Not a lot of people know what I am, but I would like to get it out and I'd like to help people, especially children, and show that you can still get on stage and perform." Lily made her comeback yesterday, reports the UK's Sun newspaper, and wasn't out of place when impressing the judges with a version of Aretha Franklin's 'Think'.