Thursday, November 24, 2011

Celeb News » Alanis Morissette Opens Up About Eating Disorders

Alanis Morissette Opens Up About Eating Disorders
Alanis Morissette Opens Up About Eating Disorders

Alanis Morissette has opened up about her issues with food in a bid to help fans struggling with eating disorders.

The Ironic hitmaker battled bulimia and anorexia when she was a teenager, and admits finding fame did little to help her address her problems.

Morrissette, who became a mum last year (10), has since overcome her problem, and she's written a candid blog post for to support other sufferers.

She writes, "We of the Hollywood standard-affected variety (read: sadly, the world) work tooth, nail and treadmill to adhere to this number (measuring tape, scale and otherwise) that hovers directly below any that would allow for a cupcake here and there... I remember being at my most thin one day, feeling like I could barely drag my lethargic body around, only to be met with the most compliments I had ever received.

"There are often traumas and abuses/neglect that are begging to be healed... I often find anxiety, fear, boredom, disappointment, loneliness, excitement and grief to be the top feelings food can attempt to prevent. My fraught relationship with food and fat has always been a cloaked invitation into a more profound kindness to myself (one I have so often ignored)."