Monday, December 26, 2011

Celeb News » Donald Trump Dumps Republican Party, Becomes Independent, Threatens Presidential Run (Again)

After years as a registered Republican, blowhard Donald Trump is breaking ranks with the party to become an unaffiliated, independent voter in New York State.

Trump made the change late last week, a move prompted by his stated interest in getting as much publicity as possible mounting a third-party presidential run.

"Mr. Trump has said for almost a year that if he is not satisfied with the Republican candidate, he may run as an independent," spokesman Michael Cohen said.

"This change in party affiliation certainly preserves his right to do so," he added, hilariously, but only "after the finale of The Apprentice in May."

Celeb News » Donald Trump Dumps Republican Party, Becomes Independent, Threatens Presidential Run (Again)
Don Trump

Trump's Fox News rants have become a great sideshow this year.

Asked if any developments in the GOP race, or nearly all the candidates eschewing his big debate prompted Trump to make the change, Cohen insisted no.

Cohen did say Trump is "very disappointed" with how the Republican Party has handled the payroll tax extension, handing President Obama a political victory.

Trump has said he plans to endorse one of the Republicans running, and insists that is still his primary objective. However, he is no longer a Republican.

He will still be able to vote in the New York State GOP presidential primary in April, and will do so. It's just unclear right now who he'll be supporting.