Thursday, September 8, 2011

Plane crash in Yaroslavl

 The Yak-42 hockey team "Lokomotiv Yaroslavl" on board, crashed a few kilometers from Yaroslavl, a few minutes after take-off, barely having time to climb to a height of 10 meters.
 Aviators call version crash
Antonov: Please note that separate rolls main landing gear, wheels up, and burned four wheel drive .. perhaps they have to run brake jammed RT-141 (jammed wheel - for neaviatorov explanation) or two brakes jammed side by side, so the wheels are not spinning 2.1, inhibited the rate is not growing, but the crew could not assess the problem in seconds and is trying to aircraft tear ... as a result - stall ... The wheels on the Yak-42 are similar to the wheels TU-154.
TU134 mechanic: If this happens, although I do not remember such a case, he would not even take off. Would remove the rubber in the blink of an eye. A fly on the disks would not succeed.
kepesh: And they could not zaprvitsya "the eyeballs", with the expectation of return, given the shortage of fuel in recent days?
SKR: Just two weeks ago on the neighboring racks registered players SKA St. Petersburg, large trunks only for the goalkeepers, players have baggage weight is less than the tourists. Nothing to be overload on this particular aircraft.
Either arabskiy_pilot birds into the engines were. In the flock flew in and came ...
CD-VOG: Birds, too, can not be excluded: autumn, river.
bigdrum: Either pilot error - improper or the engine ...
Amigo23: There's an antenna exactly in the end of the strip 05 with a course at a distance of 450 meters approximately. Antenna height 91 meters, according to the Aerodrome Obstacle. It looks like taking off course 230 and its hooked. From what angle should take off to catch her ...
DenisKa: A lot of engine failure on the Yak-42 in recent years. Is it because not skyrocketed? It is clear that the two should take off, but ...