Sunday, September 11, 2011

Celeb Movie » "Contagion" Ousts "The Help" and Beats Up On "Warrior"

Contagion Stars

With a new film taking over the top spot for the first time in the past month, "Contagion" is on track to triumph at the box office over the weekend of September 9-11, 2011.

The star-studded Steven Soderbergh directed sci-fi thriller rang up just over $8 million in ticket sales on opening day while on pace towards a $22 million opening weekend.

Knocked from its multi-week box office leading perch for the first time since debuting on August 10, the Emma Stone starring book-based movie "The Help" pulled in $2.7 million on Friday while on track to score a weekend total of approximately $9 million.

Rounding out the top five at the box office in estimated weekend totals are Tom Hardy's fighter film "The Warrior" ($6 million), followed by fourth and fifth place finishers "The Debt ($4.5 million) and "Colombiana" ($4 million).

Contagion Stars
Contagion Stars
Contagion Stars
Emma Stone
Emma Stone 
Emma Stone 
Emma Stone
Tom Hardy
Tom Hardy