Sunday, April 3, 2011

12 Amazing Pieces of Airigami

 Balloon Hulk.

Airigami is the art of folding air in specially prepared latex balloon sculptures.Here we have the coolest balloon sculptures.

 Paul Graves presented this sculpture called phenomenon 3 at The balloon sculpture series in 2008.
This balloon sculpture is worth about £12million. Standing 3m high (10ft) the stainless steel model, which resembles a twisted balloon, is the most valuable and significant work by Jeff Koons to be sold in Europe.The balloon flower was bought for about £1million seven years ago by the Rachofsky Collection in Dallas. The model, which took the US artist five years to create, was on display in St James's Square, central London, before going under the hammer at Christie's Post War And Contemporary.
Grant Wood's American Gothic by Larry Moss.
 From 2010 World Balloon Festival.

 New York artist Jason Hackenwerth's work.

By German artist Hans Hemmert.