Monday, September 12, 2011

Amphibious Bus of the 21st century

Amphibious Bus - a universal transport of the 21st century
Issue, to a greater extent anticipated amphibious bus was delayed after the vehicle for $ 1.26 million broke down on its second trial run.

Made Dutch «Amfibus» encountered serious technical problems as soon as he entered the River Clyde, West of Scotland, stopping before the scheduled flight between the towns of Renfrew and Yoker. But despite this little incident, Stagecoach operatarorov vowed to get to this fifty-seater bus to the wonderful destination. Although almost ruined his Amfibus third consecutive test for "strength", it was considered urgent because it would combine public transport with a river. "We've combined the best features of the world of yachts and motor boats in the revolutionary project, and Yes! It really is in the water. "

 Dutch production vehicle for £ 700 000 can carry 50 passengers.

Based on a bus chassis, the body uses Amfibus, which allows the vehicle to float. Due to this when applying water jets is a miracle of technology is developing quite a good speed on the water.

 The trial of amphibious bus, able to travel on water and roads will begin today.
 Amfibus never used in the UK for commuters. Technology was used only for recreation and excursions.
 Amphibious bus emerges from the River Clyde after a successful test.
Mr. Stewart said: "This bus would be particularly podoshol to connect the two sides of the Clyde, where you can have only one trip from one coast to another without any stops and interchanges.

 Working around amphibious bus because of the problems encountered during the preview of the invention on the River Clyde.
 Stagecoach already checked Amfibus in Rotterdam, where he was told that he performed well.
"We often look at our rivers and estuaries, and regard them as something like a barrier to travel, but we think they might be a link between the two communities. We also believe that this service has great potential. "

This is a Dutch invention is also involved in a joint project with the New York waterways. Bus travel deals amphibious leisure on the Hudson River in New York.

Here's a he, this' Amfibus "bit is crude, there are downsides, but it's fixable at this magnificent vehicle definitely has a future.