Friday, August 5, 2011

Lea Michele Unique Appearance In Harper’s Bazaar

Lea Michele Unique Appearance In Harper’s Bazaar 
Lea Michele Unique Appearance In Harper’s Bazaar

Lea Michele rocks lovely outfits in Harper’s Bazaar this month and talks about her unique appearance once again:
Lea looks different: “I’m five foot three. I don’t look like a lot of other people, you know what I mean? I look like I’m 12,” says Lea, who’s wearing a cream top she found at Anthropologie the day before and matching shorts. (Those sunglasses are from Urban Outfitters. “I’m not a big spender.”) She gets called out for her unconventional features all the time, but Lea doesn’t let it bother her; if anything, she’s used to it. “How many managers told me, ‘Get a nose job. You’re not pretty enough’? But I proved them wrong.”
… says Lea.

Lea Michele Unique Appearance In Harper’s Bazaar 
 Lea Michele Unique Appearance In Harper’s Bazaar

Lea Michele Unique Appearance In Harper’s Bazaar 
Lea Michele Unique Appearance In Harper’s Bazaar