Thursday, August 11, 2011

Airport in the middle of the ocean

Airport in the Maldives - is located on an artificial island in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
Located on the island Hulule next door to the capital city of Maldives, Male. The largest airport in the country and the only international is different, which is located on the long, narrow island, and the runway starts and ends right at the water. Two weeks prior to departure attempt to rank well in the window was a fiasco, so the photo above the city and the airport, I took a visit, (c) Michael Gorichev.

 The airport was opened October 19, 1960. The first runway (914 by 22 meters), was paved with steel plates. In May 1964 the government decided to replace Male coating on the asphalt. Removing the old coating was carried out in four groups of local residents who competed for the prize money in 1000 Maldivian rufy. The new runway was opened on 12 April 1966. November 11, 1981 the airport was inaugurated under the name "Male International Airport." July 26th, 2011 airport is officially called "Ibrahim Nasir International Airport" in honor of the second president of the country. The main terminal for international flights:

 Sam Male - a sea cargo port, so that the cargo ships there too:

If the plane flies at night, the only way out - it is a hotel. Too expensive right near the airport and cost more in Male 'or on the island of Hulhumale. This "Doni" - passenger boats that go from the island in the very capital Hulule Male:

That's domestic terminal and parking seaplanes:

The road runs along the perimeter of the island at the edge of the runway during takeoff and landing aircraft travel is covered by

 ... to miss the landing aircraft from Doha:

 Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives - a country in South Asia, located on the group of atolls in the Indian Ocean, located to the south of India. Everything is placed very compact ... Male, the capital of Maldives is made up of five districts, four of which are located on the island of Male ', the fifth - on the island Vilingile. Population - 100 thousand people. It is one of the most densely populated cities in the world by the ratio of the number of residents to the total area:

 Insufficient amount of land entailed removal of oil tanks on separate islands, and prisons, from which, of course, can not escape. The capital and resort islands - are two big differences. The usual Muslim Asian city and the rule of luxury island resort. That's kind of on the island of Male, the airport:

 In the end, bought on a great beach. BUT! hot, scorching equatorial sun do not like it at all. And in the pictures, yeah, looks good. Maldives - a luxury brand, nothing more. I was in Southeast Asia, there is all the same, the same island, but for adequate funds to fit every budget. Here you can write that I was not a "just-in-fact-paradise-island-on-Maldives' ... Yes, was not, but well imagine that paying a lot of money I get the same snow-white beach with barbed bottom of broken coral, palm banal, scorching sun, boring pool, snorkeling in the form of questionable at least some entertainment. The island is small, it is nothing but white sand, palm trees and turquoise sea. And your friends will ooh and then ... "You were in the Maldives":))) So my total is - the world is so interesting and varied that to try all worth it, but that's worship promoted brand "paradise of Maldives," hardly. Maldvy nicely furnished above is not possible, as was an evening flight and the sun was already low enough for a good aerial