water from a waterfall watched unseen for several long moments by a curious village girl As he looks up and spots her the girl hides then dashes off along a mountain path He chases He catches up to the girl at a waterfall grabs her arm and demands to know why she ran away like a guilty person The girl takes advantage of a moment of distraction and pushes Iljimae into
when he mutters Wol hee again In a hilarious moment when his unconscious mutterings cycle back to Dal yi s name Wol hee is now annoyed and pinches his lips shut to cut him off HAHA And finally we are shown the sheet of paper she has been marking while Iljimae sleeps a TALLY SHEET of how many times he s mumbled Dal yi s name on the left versus her own right
to accept by asking innocently where Keol chi would live with Iljimae without money Why doesn t he use the money to buy a house He perks up at that idea that sounds mighty good to him
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